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Masterclass: Pitching

with Lynn Tarzwell
Sunday Dec. 13, 2020 @ 10:00 AM • ZOOM • 2.5 hrs

Perfect for: Screenwriters, Filmmakers, Directors, Producers with a project you feel is ready to Pitch!

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Screenwriter Lynn Tarzwell  will work directly with 10 screenwriters on their pitch in a peer environment. This Masterclass will include breakout sessions with peers and discussion. Lynn will provide honest, constructive feedback to writers based on industry trends and outlooks, so pitchees can build their pitch effectively.

This exciting opportunity will include a mentorship opportunity with Christopher Giroux, Head of Productions at Vortex Productions, as you pitch your project to him at 4:00 PM and receive constructive feedback and mentorship. This workshop requires project pre-submission and selection. Deadline is Nov. 29, 2020 and chosen projects will be announced Dec. 5, 2020. To apply please complete the form below.

If you have questions, please email us at festivalcoordinator@digi60.org.

Limited to 10 participants


Applications are open to anyone with a good idea! We highly encourage emerging artists who identify as persons with a disability, women, LGBTQ2S+ or BIPOC due to the historical marginalization of these groups in the film and television industry. 

Pitchees must have a concept that is fleshed out, be open to constructive feedback, and feel that they are ready to pitch their project in the real world! After all - you will be pitching to a the Head of Productions at Vortex Productions!

Check the specifics below for recommended criteria. Stories and quality of writing will be considered. Only 10 projects will be selected. 

You should have at the minimum:

  • Logline;

  • Synopsis. 

  • 1-pager

Fill out the form below to submit your project!

About Lynn Mason Tarzwell

Lynn has over 40 years' experience in education, scriptwriting and story editing for television, documentaries, digital media and live action. From 2001-2019 she helped hundreds of Scriptwriting students develop and pitch movies, original TV series, short films and documentaries. For 18 years she organized and ran the annual Toronto Pitch Trip, a 3-day event when students pitch to all the major broadcasters, as well as HBO, eOne, Boat Rocker, DHX Media, film producers and other important players. 

Lynn has led a dozen+ workshops on writing for film and television to organizations such as the Ottawa International Writers Festival, the Canadian Authors Association, Capital Crime Writers and numerous college and high school classes. She has also been a panelist and judge for short film, radio drama and pitching events including the legendary Yorkton Film Festival and the CBC’s Short Film Faceoff.