Jury results...

This year, the jury was made up of four industry professionals from across Canada. Each jury member was given 6 categories to rank out of 10. There was a total possible cumulative points of 60 per jury member, and a total final ranking out of 240 points per filmmaker. 

Filmmakers were evaluated based on Directing, Cinematography, Acting, Technical, Story & Catch Integration.

If filmmakers would like to see their individual broken down scores and the jury members' comments, please email us at info@digi60.org to receive your individualized results. These results will only be shared with the registered filmmaker. If you were a part of a registered team, please request your registered filmmaker to contact us directly. Results in the listing below reflects only films that met the catch criteria, and followed the rules & regulations, this being eligible for jury evaluation and feedback.


Damien Fannon - HomeSick
Tim Hoare & David E. Lee - In Glass
Jeremy Daigle - Portrait
Vincent Valentino - David
Antonio Najera - Homeles  


Festival Awards

Best Film - HOMESICK - Dir. Damien Fannon
Best Directing - IN GLASS - Dir. Tim Hoare & David E. Lee
Best Cinematography - PORTRAIT - Dir. Jeremy Daigle
Best Ensemble Acting - HOMESICK - Dir. Damien Fannon
Best Screenplay - ELECTRIC CASTLE - Dir. & Writer Kristen McNaule
Spirit of the Festival - AROUND HERE AND EVERYWHERE - Dir. David Scrieciu

Special Awards:

SAW Video Spotlight Award - IN GLASS - Tim Hoare & David E. Lee
The Acting Company Emerging Actor Award - THE COUPLES (Erica Hastings)